Get me to the Bar….the Protein Bar!
Katie Kramer Katie Kramer

Get me to the Bar….the Protein Bar!

Protein, protein, protein…..Doesn’t it seem like protein is being talked about everywhere these days? Maybe it’s just my social media newsfeed, but I am seeing so many more discussions surrounding eating enough protein, protein sources, ways to add protein to your diet, etc….and I couldn’t be happier to see such content!

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A letter for the Gym Rats out there…
Katie Kramer Katie Kramer

A letter for the Gym Rats out there…

Dear Gym Rats, Fitness Enthusiasts, and those who have established a solid gym routine:This letter is to you. First of all, I was one of you for a long time….and I suppose technically I still am. As a certified health and fitness professional for over nine years, I can say that I truly love my time in the gym,

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Happy New Year…and I’m back, bitches!
Katie Kramer Katie Kramer

Happy New Year…and I’m back, bitches!

Happy New Year, friends! Isn’t it crazy we are already a week into 2023??!!! Mind blowing, that’s for sure.

2022 was chaotic, crazy, and wonderful over here in my sparkly corner of the world…so crazy that my blog got put on the back burner for awhile. Good news though, I’m backkkkkkkk!

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Gimme S’More!
Katie Kramer Katie Kramer

Gimme S’More!

I’m a huge lover of the good ol’ S’mores treat, so the chances of me trying to recreate any recipe I find with the word “S’mores” in it are always high. This recipe is no exception!I stumbled across this no bake treat as I was on the Beachbody blog one day looking for something for a client of mine. It caught my eye, I had everything I needed on hand, so I gave them a go! They were a great snack, and I have made them a few times since to perfect them even more!

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Let Them Eat Cake!
Katie Kramer Katie Kramer

Let Them Eat Cake!

ICYMI, I am a next level dog mom. I can’t help it! I love my little guys!

Each year as their birthdays hit, I always take some time to check out the local dog bakeries and their cake selections with the intention of supporting a local business and snagging an awesome cake. Yet I always end up choosing to make my own. Maybe it’s the helicopter dog mom in me, but I like ensuring the ingredients in their cake are dog friendly.

This recipe is the one I use, and I love how they turn out…I’ve even eaten one to see how it tastes, and while bland, it’s not bad!

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A toast to the avocado!
Katie Kramer Katie Kramer

A toast to the avocado!

Is there anything more frustrating though than going to make your avocado toast and realizing your avocados died overnight??!!?!?! It’s truly a heartbreaking situation. It seems they can age and go bad in about a nanosecond, and then we are left with a graveyard of avocados in our trash. On the flip, sometimes we get home and realize the avocados we are selected are actually hard rocks and not ripe enough yet to eat. What can we do to avoid these issues?

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Hey there, Firecracker!
Recipes Katie Kramer Recipes Katie Kramer

Hey there, Firecracker!

No, that’s not a pick up line I’d recommend using…..but it is the way you want to greet this delicious dish!Every time I make these firecracker meatballs they are an absolute hit. Best part? Really easy to make. I think the biggest draw to these is that they are a spin on your basic meatball, and the sauce gives them the right amount of kick that your family will love.

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I’m Booked
Lifestyle Katie Kramer Lifestyle Katie Kramer

I’m Booked

No, I don’t mean my social calendar…..although it is a little crazy this time of year. I’m talking about my book!

Right now pretty much every free moment is devoted to the finishing touches when it comes to my book publication, and I wanted to share a little bit of that with you because I know how many of you have been patiently waiting for my book to publish. I absolutely cannot wait.

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Cheers to 40 Years Young
Lifestyle Katie Kramer Lifestyle Katie Kramer

Cheers to 40 Years Young

Yes, you read that right! Cheers to Forty!

Last month I celebrated a huge birthday milestone, forty freaking years, and when I say celebrated, I mean I celebrated pretty much the entire month. You could say I was making up for not being able to celebrate much last year because of the pandemic….or you could say I am a little extra. Regardless, you aren’t wrong. You’ve gotta go big at 40, right???!!!!!

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This Recipe is Nuts!
Recipes Katie Kramer Recipes Katie Kramer

This Recipe is Nuts!

Happy Monday, friends! I hope your day was magical and the week is off to a great start!Mondays around here are the new Sunday. For some reason, I just get in a better groove with my meal prep process on Mondays since the weekends have been pretty hectic. Welcome to summer where a million things always seem to be happening at once! Since I don’t coach on Mondays and reserve this day to catch up with my personal clients and ongoing to do list, it just made sense to switch this important part of my routine.

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My Health & Fitness Must Haves
Fitness Casey Jones Fitness Casey Jones

My Health & Fitness Must Haves

I get a ton of questions about my favorites when it comes to health and fitness, so I wanted to share the things that I am obsessed with and that help me rock a killer workout every day.

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Let’s Veg Out, Lasagna Style!
Recipes Casey Jones Recipes Casey Jones

Let’s Veg Out, Lasagna Style!

Let me tell you a joke about lasagna. Nevermind, it will be too cheesy. Since I’m about to share with you my bomb ass veggie lasagna recipe, I had to sneak in a little food humor…..I can’t let those jokes go to waste!

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10 Random Things About Me
Lifestyle Casey Jones Lifestyle Casey Jones

10 Random Things About Me

I’m so happy you landed on my page and this blog! If you are coming to me from my previous blog or follow me on social media, you already know what to expect from me. If you are a new reader, let’s just say this blog will allow you to get to know me pretty quickly.

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