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My approach to health and fitness has always been the same: BALANCE.

Focus on fitness programs that make you happy and a meal plan that doesn’t force you to get rid of the things you love….because getting healthy shouldn’t be a process that stresses you out! Is that a traditional thought process in the health and fitness realm? Probably not….but then again, I’m not traditional, and your girl here loves donuts more than anything. How could I ever live a life without them?

We’ve all had that point in our lives where we have tried the fad diets, and I am no stranger to them either. Before I got serious about my health I tried anything I would see a celebrity claiming worked or any ridiculous diet I read about in a magazine. Newsflash: they don’t work. They aren’t sustainable….and the majority of the time they are harming you more than helping you! Besides not seeing “fast” results , I was MISERABLE. I felt weak, crabby, always hungry….it was just awful!

I realized quickly how important living a life of balance is and how important it is to properly fuel your body. As I tell my clients, what you do consistently matters more than what you do every once in a while. My approach to nutrition and the nutrition programs I connect my clients to is focused on portion control, eating ENOUGH, and enjoying the process. It’s all about creating sustainable habits, not chasing down a quick fix.

 Every person who comes to me for help is different, and it is important to know that getting healthy is NOT a one size fits all approach. We will determine the fitness and nutrition programs best suited for you based on your goals, lifestyle, and needs, and together we will develop an ongoing plan to best support you. My #1 goal for you is to have fun during this process. We have a variety of workout programs based on your interests, so whether it be dancing, weight training, or HIIT cardio that gets you excited to work out, we have something that will work for you. My online community is a great place for additional support and community that all of my clients have access to, but for those who prefer one on one support, that is always an option for you!

The most important thing for you to know as you embark on this journey is that you are not alone. I am here to help you every step of the way and give you all the support and resources I can to help you reach the goals you have for yourself, but…..I can’t do all the work for you. You have to want to commit to a workout program, nutrition plan, and accountability system and want to make these changes. Once we determine your plan of action, I am here to keep you on track and ensure that you continue to make progress.

I’m also here to remind you that having that donut is perfectly ok….

I can’t wait to work with you and get you plugged into this amazing community and on the way to a healthier lifestyle!

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