Goal: Make My Mess My Message.
Goal: Make My Mess My Message.
For years and years I sat around with the goal to become a published author. I knew I wanted to write a book, I knew I could write a book, but the problem: I just didn’t know what I wanted to focus the book on when it came to content. “Become a published author” would be on my vision board year after year, and while I would scribble out thoughts and ideas, I just couldn’t nail down the direction I wanted to go.
As someone who had battled and overcome some really tough challenges, I knew how importance becoming a confident, strong, and authentic human being had been in my quest to find happiness in my own life. I had been mentoring women in the health and fitness space for years, and so many of the private conversations I had with my clients came back to lacking confidence and self-esteem. I had battled low self-esteem, questioned my self-worth, and struggled being who I was really was for so many years, and my heart would break knowing how they felt. I had been in their shoes before, and I was able to pull myself out of that funk. I wanted to help every single woman I came in contact with start a journey of self-love and confidence. The realization of how many women I knew personally struggling allowed me to realize that I didn’t need to create a fictional story; I could simply share the challenges I had faced and the lessons I learned that helped me regain my confidence and be the magical version of myself I had hid for so long.
Am I a therapist? Absolutely not. Am I someone who has battled alcoholism, obesity, divorce, grief, heartache, self-esteem issues, and broken friendships? Absolutely. I took matters into my own hands to create my own set of rules that allowed me to makeover my own confidence and self-esteem. My goal in sharing my mess with all of you in this book is to inspire and help women of all ages to love who they are and live the life they want.
”Shut Your Donut" Hole” is a project I am so proud of and a book that I hope helps you silence the negative self talk while learning to live your absolute best life.