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I started my own wellness company in 2013 not realizing sparkle would eventually weave its way into that area of my life, too. At that time I had spent a little over a decade in higher education management, a career that I had done very well in but lacked the passion and love for that I once had. While I was thriving professionally, personally I was struggling. I had been secretly (not so secretly to some) been battling alcoholism, a result of a terrible relationship, as well as poor self-esteem. That, paired with a lack of motivation and a love of McDonalds Big Breakfasts, led me to gaining almost seventy pounds and feeling more hopeless than ever. I was broken.

Somehow, back in August of 2013, the stars aligned in my favor. I woke up realizing none of the pants in my closet fit me as I searched for the perfect outfit to wear into the office, so I improvised, disguising yoga pants as suit pants. Later that night I returned home, upset at how far I had let myself go, and started the evening ritual of drinking White Russians. In the wee hours of the morning, I went online and ordered a fitness program, unaware of what I had done until a few days later. Luckily for me, later that day a friend would stage an intervention, taking me to my first AA meeting, and I started working on my health makeover at that moment.

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Fitness became the one thing at that time that served as a positive outlet for me. As I worked toward sobriety, I found that working out helped me have a focus on something other than alcohol. Even though I was overweight, unsure of what I could do, and in need of a modification for pretty much every move in my workout program, I remained committed to working out and living a sober life, and sixty days later I was elated at the fact that I had lost 47.5 lbs. My motivation was greater than ever, not just to lose the remaining 20 pounds (which I did over the next month), but to help other women out there struggling find their confidence and motivation, too.

From there Sparkle Fitness was born, and I became focused on making an impact on the lives of others. I knew my purpose was to help other women find their sparkle, whether that be by connecting them to a workout/nutrition program, motivating them in my live group workout classes, serving as a positive light in their lives, or simply by cheering them on with whatever endeavor they were pursuing.

These days I wear many (sparkly) hats that all allow me to make a difference in a variety of ways. As CEO of Sparkle Fitness, I mentor online health and wellness coaches as they work to share their sparkle with those in their lives. Watching other entrepreneurs thrive and grow makes my heart unbelievably happy! I also work one on one with my own personal clients throughout our positive online communities, as well as on a one on one basis depending on their goals and needs.

While initially you may see me as someone who is extra and a little over the top, I really am a simple person who just knows what makes me happy and focuses on that each and every day. I will never live a life without donuts in it, and I don’t want you to either. I seek the good in every situation, and I hope to be able to help you see it, too. I’ve hit rock bottom, I’ve battled the darkest of demons, and I have been able to rise above all of the obstacles I’ve been faced with. If I was able to get my life on the right track, I KNOW you can, too, and I am here to help you however I can.

We are all here to make an impact on the world and to leave it better than we found it. More importantly, we all have our own sparkle to share with the world. Let’s make sure no one ever dulls it, ok?

xo, Katie