Get me to the Bar….the Protein Bar!

Protein, protein, protein…..

Doesn’t it seem like protein is being talked about everywhere these days? Maybe it’s just my social media newsfeed, but I am seeing so many more discussions surrounding eating enough protein, protein sources, ways to add protein to your diet, etc….and I couldn’t be happier to see such content!

Protein is such an important part of your daily life for so many reasons…from helping to curb hunger to building lean muscle to helping with recovery after a grueling workout or injury. It’s an absolute must to fuel your body with the right amount, and sometimes it is so tough to sneak it all in. While the amount of protein an individual needs varies slightly based on the source, I tend to follow the .8 grams/pound measurement that was previously recommended to me by a sports nutritionist, and protein makes up about one third of my daily calories. Sometimes that is tough to get in, especially if you are crazy on the go like me!

One thing I have always turned to on the go is a protein bar, and while there are SO MANY out there for purchase, there are so many that are just as unhealthy as a candy bar. Sure, they may have a ton of protein….but what about everything else? Make sure you are reading the ingredient list so your choices aren’t doing more harm than good!

I do have one bar that I eat on the regular, my beloved Beachbar from the company I partner with, but I was ecstatic when I saw my friend Lyndsey start up her own business making protein bars from her home. If there is one thing I love it is supporting a small business, especially when the product is amazing. I love the protein bars that she makes chilled with coffee mid day or before I get ready to crush a workout, and since they are individually packaged I am able to take them with me when I’m running errands or heading to the gym to coach.

Since not everyone has the idea of starting a protein bar company on their vision board, I asked Lynds some questions so she could share more about her brand, Lyx Bars, and her passion for creating such an awesome product. Check out what she had to say below!

Meet Lyndsey, creator of Lyx Bars!

Share a little about yourself!

Hello! My name is Lyndsey, and I’m a full-time working momma! I’m a momma to 3 beautiful, spunky girls, wife to a pretty cool dude, have 2 dogs and 5 ducks.  We live in the small town of Hinckley, OH. I’m a lover of anything fitness and have experience coaching and personal training. My home is my oasis and kitchen, where I hand make every order with detail, love and carefulness.

What made you want to create a protein bar?

I started making these bars about 4 years ago as quick snack/meal option for my family. If anyone knows me and my family personally, you know we never sit down and are always on the go! As much as I may complain about our busy schedules, I love that we are active and passionate about sports, activities, and making memories with friends and family.

In the hustle and bustle of life I noticed our go-to snack option would be to grab a protein bar. When I looked at the nutritional labels and ingredients on most protein bars, I was blown away by the amount of added sugar, and processed ingredients. That’s when I decided to make my own bars. Protein bars that were jammed packed full of protein to keep us full, with good-for-you ingredients. It wasn’t until the past year when my husband nudged me to start to sell these. He is my biggest supporter and to date my best customer. I make him about 10 bars every week, for the past 4 years. I also have 2 children who have allergies, a tree nut and peanut allergy. I wanted them to have a protein bar that is delicious but most importantly, safe. So needless to say, one loves the peanut butter and the other loves the Sun butter option.

What makes your protein bar different from competitors?

LyxBar uses ingredients that are natural and non-processed. My opinion is, if you can’t understand or say what is listed in the ingredients, you probably shouldn’t eat it. I like that the sweetness that is in a Lyxbar is natural, coming from the honey (or agave) and the dates. LyxBars can also be customizable, which makes it tailored to YOUR own individual needs. One ingredient I use is local Honey. I will find honey at local farmers markets and small business shops around NE Ohio. Using local honey is AMAZING with helping with allergies. This ensures that the honey has the allergens native to the area we live.

More reasons to love Lyxbar…. 

Vegan and Whey Protein options

Local Honey or (Agave if completely Vegan)

Gluten Free

Soy- Free (Enjoy life dark chocolate chips)

Super Customizable

Allergy Friendly options

Flavor/Health add ins: Espresso, Matcha, Coconut Dusted, Brewers Yeast (get for lactation or breastfeeding mothers), and Collagen

What is your personal favorite flavor?

My personal favorite is the Coconut Dusted Almond Butter. I also add collagen into it, to make sure I’m getting that extra added benefit. I have one every morning with my cup of coffee and in the afternoon if I’m craving something sweet. I seriously look forward to them every day.

Why should someone consider adding a protein bar to their weekly meal plan?

It is a great alternative for busy individuals for a quick breakfast, snack or even pre-post workout supplement. It’s LOADED with protein, just right amount of carbs for energy, fiber for intestinal health, and the honey/agave & dark chocolate chips makes it taste like you are eating a dessert!

My personal favorite is ALSO the coconut dusted almond butter, and I am so thankful Lyndsey can ship them to me since I am no longer local. If you are not located in Ohio but interested in ordering, please reach out to Lyndsey through her website or by connecting with her through social media HERE!


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